Dairy Farm Kundasang Sabah
We regret for any inconvenience caused. As part of Desa Dairy Farms biosecurity improvement measures some activities including young calf and goat feeding are temporarily closed for visitors until further notice. Desa Dairy Farm Kundasang Sabah Farm Vacation Kundasang Places To Travel Sebagai sebahagian daripada langkah penambahbaikan biosekuriti Ladang Tenusu Desa beberapa aktiviti termasuk aktiviti memberi makan kepada anak lembu. . The lush greenery and herds of cattle seen at Desa Dairy Farm also dubbed as The Little New Zealand of Sabah has become very popular among tourists visiting Kundasang - especially families with kids. 不想要爬山的朋友推薦你們去神山牧場 Desa Cattle Dairy Farm又稱大馬紐西蘭牧場位於Kundasang神山和Mesilau之間在這裡除了可以很清楚的看見神山的全貌還可以體驗在紐西蘭常看見的綠油油草地黑白花乳牛和涼涼冷冷的天氣Desa Cattle Dairy Farm絕對是來沙巴自由行必來的景點之一從沙巴. The farm covers more than 200 hectares and produces fresh milk and cheese from its herd of black and white cows. See rafflesia Kinaba...